Physiology, Behavior Analysis, Behavior Modification, Instrumentation
CERTIFICATION: Certificate Program and Breathing Practicum
Statistics suggest that tens millions of people worldwide suffer with the profound and misunderstood symptoms and deficits of learned dysfunctional breathing habits. Unfortunately, these habits are rarely identified by practitioners, their effects mistakenly attributed to other causes, and their resolutions prescriptive in nature where focus is on symptoms rather than on causes.
We offer a solution. We (1) train healthcare practitioners, human service professionals, health educators, and performance enhancement consultants to integrate breathing learning services into their professions; (2) train breathing specialists to integrate the principles of behavior analysis into their breathing practices; and (3) train high-performance professionals such as athletes, performers, artists, pilots, and specially trained operators to bring breathing science applications into their work.
We offer a WEBINAR CERTIFICATE PROGRAM in the Science of Breathing Behavior Analysis and a WEBINAR PRACTICUM PROGRAM in Breathing Case Analysis & Review, which together provide for CERTIFICATION as a Certified Breathing Behavior Analyst .
Science of Breathing Behavior Analysis
Professionals earn a Breathing Science Certificate, which is the first requirement for completing Certification as a Breathing Behavior Analyst. A sequence of three courses provides a practical knowledge of the required physiology, behavioral science, and technology necessary for identifying dysfunctional breathing habits and assisting clients to disengage these habits and learn new ones for enhancing health and performance.
Program Description
This webinar-Certificate program consists of three 15-hour courses (45 CE hours, three credit units) that qualify professionals to: (1) assess breathing habits and their effects on health and performance based on the principles of behavior analysis, (2) assist clients in managing and/or overcoming dysfunctional breathing habits that compromise physiology, psychology, and performance based on the principles of behavior modification, (3) assist clients in improving physical, behavioral, and psychological performance, and (4) use capnography and related instrumentation for assisting their clients in identifying and overcoming dysfunctional breathing habits.
Program Objectives
This Certificate program teaches how to: (1) determine whether there are dysfunctional breathing habits, (2) identify the learned behavioral components of dysfunctional habits, (3) identify the symptoms and deficits brought on by habits, (4) determine how existing health conditions may interact with physiological effects of habits, (5) identify the triggers of breathing habits (e.g., pain), (6) identify the outcomes (reinforcements) and emotions that keep breathing habits in place, (7) uncover the origin of habits, and (8) assist patients in overcoming dysfunctional habits and learning new ones that are consistent with good physiology, especially respiration.
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COURSE: 301 Respiratory Psychophysiology
1 credit unit, 15 hours CE, two 1-day sessions
COURSE: 404 Breathing Habit Analysis
1 credit unit, 15 hours CE, two 1-day sessions
COURSE: 405 Breathing Habit Modification
1 credit unit, 15 hours CE, two 1-day sessions
Program Completion Requirements
A short-essay open-book examination for each course, live participation, and completion of homework practice sessions.
Certificate Tuition: $2,400.00
Participants who plan to become Certified as Breathing Behavior Analysts will need to acquire CapnoTrainer instrumentation before beginning the Certificate program. Educational capnography technology is fundamental to the implementation of the principles of breathing behavior analysis and behavior modification, that is, providing learning services for identifying, managing, and unlearning dysfunctional breathing habits that compromise respiration and learning new ones for improving health & performance.
Case Analysis, Review, & Practicum
Professionals who have earned the Breathing Science Certificate may become CERTIFIED as Breathing Behavior Analysts by completing this intensive hands-on practicum program where they demonstrate and document their competence and proficiency in breathing behavior analysis and breathing behavior modification.
Program Description
Certification requires completion of the Case Analysis & Review Proseminar consisting of nine 5-hour webinar sessions (45 CE hours, three credit units) where colleagues, who have completed the Breathing Science Certificate, present four cases of their own while completing practicum assignments to be submitted to the Practicum Supervisor. Two 2-hour personalized one-on-one tutorials (four hours total) with the Practicum Supervisor are included.
Program Objectives
Participants learn first-hand from the Professional School Practicum Coordinator, and from interacting with colleagues attending the Proseminar, how to sharpen their breathing habit assessment and behavior modification skills. Specific cases presented by participating professionals are reviewed in detail, including histories, checklists, behavioral reports, physiology reports, homework assignments, data analysis, video recordings, learning plans, and assessment and learning session summaries.
Go to for dates and times.
PROSEMINAR: 611 Case Analysis & Review, with Practicum
3 credit units, 45 hours CE, nine 5-hour sessions, three one-on-one tutorial sessions:
Program Completion Requirements
Participating professionals complete four breathing habit assessment sessions and eight breathing learning sessions (two hours per session), four of which are presented during the Proseminar for review and analysis. A detailed analysis of each session is completed by using the forms provided by the Practicum Supervisor and then submitted on the Professional School e-campus website. Attendance and active participation with colleagues are required.
Practicum Tuition: $2,400.00.
Breathing Behavior Analyst
Colleagues are awarded CERTIFICATION upon successful completion of both the Breathing Science Certificate and the Breathing Practicum Program. They receive a Certification Diploma and an official transcript from the Professional School. Graduates may use the designation CBBA after their names.
The combined 90-hour curriculum includes three 15- hour workshop courses (3 credit units, 45 hours) and one 45-hour Case Analysis & Review Proseminar (3 units). Upon completion, participants earn six credit units and 90 CE hours.
Certification Tuition: $4,200.00 (Certificate & Practicum)
Application is made during the registration process.
Coursework: at least one college course in chemistry, biology, and psychology
Education: BS or BA, or AA degree in a healthcare profession, e.g., nursing
Work experience: at least one year of recent experience in chosen profession